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Pillow Talk's online shopping

Pillow Talk




4 points 

per $1

when you click through from Qantas Shopping each time you shop


when you click through from Qantas Shopping each time you shop

Points usually credited to your account within 90 days

About Pillow Talk

We do what we do for the love of comfort. Our belief is that comfort is what binds us together, but we understand that comfort is more than a feeling - it’s a state of mind. It’s not just about cosy blankets or silky soft sheets - it’s about feeling content in your home and in your heart.

We're committed to making you feel comfortable, because we believe that when we’re comfy, we’re the best versions of ourselves. With over 40 years’ experience, the team at Pillow Talk is well equipped to help you find the perfect addition to your home. Whether you’re looking for bedding, bathroom accessories, furniture or décor, let us help you create a truly liveable space. Whatever comfort means to you, you’ll find it at Pillow Talk.

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You must be a Qantas Frequent Flyer member to earn and redeem Qantas Points   A joining fee may apply. Membership and the earning and redemption of Qantas Points are subject to the Qantas Frequent Flyer  Terms and Conditions